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Theme Development

Teams conceptualized themes that visually and verbally captured the year. They presented theme copy, cover designs, color palettes, fonts and a title to a council.


Click the picture to see Theme Development.

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Students documented events in real time through topical photography and interviewing. With subjects from all grades, journalists interacted to get opinions and stories. 


Click the picture to see Instagram.

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Yearbook Production

After the theme came together, teams were assigned spreads on two-week deadlines and proceeded to write, interview, photograph and design to completion.


Click the picture to see Yearbook Production.

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As work on the yearbook progressed, the Florida Scholastic Press Association, awarded the staff's photography, writing and design for upholding the highest standards of journalism.


Click the picture to see Awards.

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2024 Gulliver Preparatory - Middle School

Digital Mass Media Department

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